Pacamara Colombia

red grape, blackberry, dark chocolate, heavy body


12oz | $19.00
5lb | $90.00


Variety: Pacamara
Altitude: 1550 meters
Harvest Period: November - January
Process: Washed, dried on African raised beds

This unique coffee is grown by Alirio Rodriguez and his wife on their third-generation family farm “El Recreo.” This coffee they processed 1 day anaerobically, followed by depulping and then allowing another day of oxidation before it is dried for 20 days on raised beds.

The Pacamara coffee varietal is a creation of the Salvadoran Institute for Coffee Research (ISIC) back in 1958, which resulted from the crossing of Pacas and Maragogype varietals after 30 years of careful scientific research.

The Pacas is a natural mutation of the Bourbon varietal. The trees are shorter in size, have tighter internodes, and are highly resistant to diseases. They adapt to many growing conditions, and provide high production yields.

The Maragogype is a mutation of the Typica varietal. These trees grow very tall in size and they produce some of the largest coffee beans. This varietal does not produce high yields but the cup quality is remarkable.

The idea behind the creation of the Pacamara hybrid was to get the best of the two varietals.  It was named PACAMARA in reference to the first four letters of each parent varietal.